
Ensemble Group6 Part Series

Welcome to part 4 of 6 of GangScope’s first set of targeted discussions around the needs of Chief’s and Sheriffs. We are at the half way mark and I hope this has useful thus far in sparking interest around enhancing your department’s technological presence. This week we are addressing the potential negatives of technology, and how a police department can best mitigate public opinion of viable tools. This leads to this week’s question:

Department Issued Cell Phones

Ensemble Group6 Part Series

Welcome to week 3 of the 6-part series by GangScope. This series is focused on the needs of Chiefs and Sheriffs across the nation, and hopes to spark interest in technology solutions overall. This week we will be focusing on the most essential consumer item at this point and that is the mobile phone. The question I have for this week is:

Vetting Process

Ensemble Group6 Part Series

Welcome to part 2 of our 6-part series and today we are going to be breaking down the question:
Has your department implemented a process to assess the various new technologies available?

Police Vast Amounts of Data

Ensemble Group6 Part Series

Welcome to our first edition of our 6-part series focusing on the needs of Chiefs and Sheriffs.  Today I want to start by posing this question you should ask yourself…

GangScope – 28 CFR Features

Ensemble Group28 CFR

GangScope is committed to helping you be more efficient.  One way we do this is to help you be compliant with your gang data.  The 28 CFR Part 23 guidelines are exactly what GangScope was built around and will allow for full compliance with your gang database.  Below we will do our best to breakdown briefly how we can assist and where, but most of this is behind the scenes and our goal is to allow you to focus on what you do best!

Working Remotely with GangScope

Ensemble GroupBlog

Technology has been the savior for so many businesses right now. It’s allowing them to work remotely and continue to communicate at a high level. GangScope is right there with those technologies.

Trends – 7 Ways Gangs are Evolving

Ensemble GroupBlog

Gangs are an ever-evolving term used to describe an organized group of criminals, however the traditional sense of gangs has evolved over the last decade.  Traditional philosophies on gang culture, influence, and hierarchy have all been slowly changing. 

Paperwork in Policing

Ensemble GroupBlog

GangScope is a database software that can help with paperwork demands.  GangScope will take the detailed intelligence data gathered and turn it into useful searchable information.  GangScope can provide visualization tools including heat maps of gang activity and so much more. 

How Data Transformed the Rapper Tekashi Gang Case

Ensemble GroupCase Study

In a world of constant data, communication, and sharing, there are so many more avenues of information available to law enforcement and they were all put on display in the high profile case of Tekashi 6ix 9ine.  The public got to experience the trial through live tweet, and that in itself is a testament to the times. 

Can Social Media be used as Evidence?

Ensemble GroupCase Study

Ever increasingly, criminals are using social networks to “announce” the crimes they are plotting. This includes setting up drug deals, bragging about wrongdoings, and even uploading incriminating videos. Although this seems beneficial for investigators, it presents peculiar situations in the courtrooms.