Reportings, Summarizing, Informing.

Ensemble GroupBlog

“Reporting” itself can be defined as factual text which provides information in an organized and objective way.   

One of the many use cases for the IntelScope system is that it is a powerful reporting tool.  IntelScope presents and reports information on incidents, persons, groups or gangs, addresses, and vehicles in an organized and multi-dimensional manner.  This objective display of information will help build cases on the right individuals and their affiliated groups or gangs, all while keeping you compliant with 28CFR information retention guidelines. 

What you will find is that IntelScope explores reporting in several different ways: 


Beginning with the InteScope’s Dashboard, here you will find a number of reports including:  

  • Recent incidents (GIs) listing 
  • Recent GIs on a Heat Map 
  • Persons meeting purge criteria 
  • Suspected persons who meet criteria for gang membership 

Overview Pages 

IntelScope’s Overview pages offer compiled information on individual persons, vehicles, or addresses in easy-to-understand formatted and tabbed reports.  The Person Overview page also has 2 widely used reports:   

  • Hot Shot report is a one-page summary of a Person’s most important information.  It can be used for Briefings or as reference material.   
  • Court Document report.  The Court Document report is a compilation of the information that has been entered into the system for that individual.  This report is a key tool to take into a courtroom setting where you may need information about an individual readily available.   


Reports Tab 

Administrative users have a choice of a number of pre-configured reports.  Reports include options on Persons and Criminal Groups, Incident based reporting, and overall statistics.  Some reports have included graphs for easier viewing.  To add, all pre-configured reports have the capability of exporting your report information to an Excel spreadsheet.  


Heat Map Reports 

IntelScope has a Heat Map Reporting Tool that can map: 

  • Person’s home addresses, and their GI’s (incident) locations 
  • Criminal Groups (Gangs) home addresses and their GI’s locations 
  • All GI’s in a date range 
  • And more… 

The reporting tool visualizes map criteria in order to show areas where a higher concentration or cluster of activity occurs. 

Custom Reports & Graphs 

One of the newest features added to IntelScope is the Custom Reports & Graphs tool.  The Custom Reports tool allows the user to define what fields they would like to report on.  There are a number of pre-built reports available for example: 

  • Members by Gang & Type 
  • Qualifier Frequency by Gang 
  • User Logins 

With that said, the key feature is the ability to report on specific fields and customize the reported output fields.  The tool is robust and can be very useful if the pre-built reports are not displaying needed metrics. 

As we wrap up, please remember that IntelScope is not finished with the Custom Reporting tool yet, and we will be adding additional tables and table connections to the tool.   

Reporting is essential to law enforcement agencies.  Having the right reporting tool can help with prosecutions, save an agency’s time and expense and most importantly, hopefully, reduce crime.    

The GangScope Team


GangScope™ is an intelligence database that helps capture, analyze, search and share intelligence on criminals, gangs, and more. GangScope acts as a first-tier, internal database that manages data on known and suspected criminals and gang members. Intelligence is collected per incident and can include qualifiers, associates, acquaintances (points of contact), witnesses, images, and documents. GangScope’s collection of detailed information aids in investigations, analysis and ultimately solving crime. The software complies with standards outlined by federal (28 CFR) policies. While complying with standards, GangScope™ boasts usability through simple yet extensive data mining via search, reports, profiles, and watches.

The overall goal of GangScope™ is to provide law enforcement personnel/ crime analysts/ correctional officers/prosecutors with maximum data through a friendly user interface while remaining cost-effective.  

A non-gang version – IntelScope is also available if needed.

To learn more or to schedule a full demo of our system – request a demo here. We would welcome the opportunity to show you how Gangscope can help your department organize and store your data in a secure and compliant way.